Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Successful Pre-Application Meeting on second try!

Our volunteer designer and Board Director Suat Demirer returned from a visit to his ailing mother in Turkey with new ideas to make the mosque plans work. After many hours of hard work, preparing new drawings, TCS Board Members Sinem Senol and Suat Demirer met with the City of Edmonton planners for a second time on November 22, 2017 to get feedback on our development plans. With most, if not all, the major issues identified in the February 2017 pre-application meeting addressed, the City of Edmonton gave TCS the green light to finalize and submit our Development Permit application.

The planning officers confirm that we will need to hire a licensed architect to move forward with the project.

This was a possibility previously presented to and approved by the TCS members at a general meeting, so TCS President Ahmet Topal instructed our volunteer designer Suat Demirer and Treasurer Sinem Senol to search and get quotes from local architects to join the design team.