After months of negotiations with the City of Edmonton and the Edmonton Public School Board, TCS President Ahmet Topal and our Secretary Musa Ersoy signed the Cross-Lot Access Easement Agreement on March 20th per the authority granted to them through the TCS Bylaws.
The Agreement was signed and approved by the CoE and EPSB on April 8th. We have therefore cleared the most important condition on our development permit, and secured approximately 75 square meters of land to access the parking lot of our planned mosque.
The contract negotiations were primarily coordinated by our Treasures Sinem Senol. Naturally, Turkish Canadian Society Board of Directors have saught the advice of its legal counsel throughout the process, who reviewed and made recommendations about the agreement.
The contract was secured with no cost to TCS, just a minimal amount of lien was agreed upon between the parties to ensure that TCS undertakes any maintenance or repairs to the piece of land in a timely fashion.
TURCanora is a project update website from the Turkish Canadians who currently own a surplus school building in the CANORA neighbourhood in West Edmonton... TURK+CANORA=> Hence, the website address: Through this site we hope to tell you about our dream project, give you regular updates, and ask for your help. For information and updates about Turkish Canadian Society, the non-profit organization behind TURCanora, please visit